
anti-gas campaigners

Labor's decision to expand gas in a climate emergency reveals how much it has been captured by fossil fuel corporations. Pip Hinman reports. 

On the day that climate scientists said the world is heading for 2.5°C global warming, Labor announced it would accelerate major new fossil fuel projects beyond 2050. Colin Hughes reports.

Palestinian scientist and activist Mazin Qumsiyeh joins the latest Green Left Show.

Several hundred climate activists rallied outside Kirribilli House, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s residence, as part of environment groups’ 12-day Rise Up campaign. Coral Wynter reports.

flood rescue in Porto Alegre

Storms that began on April 29 have triggered unprecedented flooding in Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul, with 150,000 people displaced, 85 dead and more than 130 missing as of May 6. Israel Dutra and Roberto Robaina outline a socialist response to this climate catastrophe.

Year 11 student Jeremy told a climate rally outside Tanya Plibersek's office that “climate change is threatening our future”. Jim McIlroy reports.

More than 5000 unionists, largely construction workers, marched through the CBD on May 1 to mark May Day, the international day of workers’ struggle. Jim McIlroy reports.

It is important to amplify the voices of those most affected by climate catastrophe, and those include young people, argues Maz Misiewicz

Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents seven important new books on slavery, capitalism, rebellion and ecological revolution.

Climate, environment and water campaigners are fighting what they see as Labor’s walk back on its promised reforms to the main environmental law, the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. Tracey Carpenter reports.

The First Wave, a new film by environment group Rising Tide, was launched by an enthusiastic crowd. Jim McIlroy reports.


Make Rojava Green Again reports on the conditions, hardships and potential for ecological changes in a region that is undergoing a social revolution and constantly facing military attacks on civil infrastructure and agricultural sites.