
Sydney Road was blocked by campaigners calling for accessible tram stops before any more level crossing removal works are undertaken on the Upfield line. Darren Saffin reports.

Japanese Marxist writer and academic Kohei Saito

Kohei Saito argues there are five important reasons why we need to move beyond capitalism to deal with the ecological and social crises besetting the world today. Peter Boyle reports.

Likely new Geelong councillor Sarah Hathway said residents are mounting a big campaign to save their libraries, and stop the cuts, but are concerned that the city's councillors will let them down again. Sue Bull reports. 

Wiradjuri person and resident Carolyn Ienna wants the NSW government to add more buildings to the Wentworth Park housing estate and quicky, but not to pull it down. Kerry Smith reports.

Mountain Valley Pipeline

The "debt ceiling crisis" provided the pretext for rolling back environmental, economic and social policies, while corporations benefitted the most from the deal struck between Democrats and Republicans, reports Barry Sheppard.

Beneath the outrage around PricewaterhouseCoopers conflict-of-interest allegations lies a decades-old, bitter truth: once government accountability was privatised, it was only ever going to end one way. Suzanne James reports.

Mining CEOs Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest are still topping the Rich List. Image: Green Left

Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest are still at the top the Rich List, their fortunes growing because the mining boom and tax rules favouring the 1%. Josh Adams reports.

Wiradjuri person Carolyn Ienna is one of just two remaining public housing tenants in a public housing block in Glebe, and she doesn’t want to be forced out. Jim McIlroy reports.

Treating housing as a commodity has made it inaccessible to people who need homes. But it doesn’t have to be like this, argues Peter Boyle.

The market mechanism models that underpin climate policymaking have failed and an era of climate disruption is now upon us, argues David Spratt.

Cheong Huei Ting PSM

Green Left’s Chloe DS spoke to Cheong Huei Ting, Central Committee member of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) and Coordinator of the PSM’s Environmental and Climate Crisis Bureau ahead of her participation in the Ecosocialism 2023 Conference in July in Naarm/Melbourne.

It has been galling to see that PwC executives' sharing of confidential information — notably tax policies — will not lead to them spending time in a prison cell. Binoy Kampark argues ATO whistle blower Richard Boyle's treatment could hardly be more different.