

Critical theorist, feminist and author Nancy Fraser continues her conversation with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, focussing on the role of expropriation and transnationals in modern imperialism, and the challenges facing anti-imperialists and anti-capitalists.

Ammar Ali Jan speaking

Federico Fuentes spoke to Pakistani socialist Ammar Ali Jan of the Haqooq-e-Khalq Party (People’s Rights Party) about the volatile situation facing the country after the recent elections. Ammar will speak at Ecosocialism 2024, in Boorloo/Perth, June 28–30.

two workers at a protest

A coordinated string of political strikes brought Finland to a standstill from February 12‒16, when more than 130,000 workers took rolling strike action in response to an array of neoliberal reforms proposed by conservative prime minister Petteri Orpo’s National Coalition government, reports Clive Tillman.

Wealth will trickle down from the super rich to ordinary people 'when pigs fly'

“Tax reforms” have stacked the tax system in favour of the rich, while making ordinary workers pay more, argues Peter Boyle.

woman's face, child's face

Nancy Fraser is the author of, among other works, Cannibal Capitalism: How Our System Is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet — and What We Can Do About It. She spoke with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about the need to incorporate natural wealth and care work within our understanding of modern imperialism.

The war on wages, Assange's final appeal & French farmers take action

Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist goes through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

$100 notes

As the Reserve Bank of Australia and Labor and the Coalition continue to supress wages, living costs continue to rise. Peter Boyle reports.

Labor is only offering a milder version of the same wrong tax policy, while tossing a few peanuts to the working class, argues Peter Boyle.

Jubilee Lake Holiday Park has been run by a cooperative since 2011.

Putting holiday destinations under community control could create low-cost alternatives for working people suffering under the cost-of-living crisis. Rachel Evans reports. 

Man holding big bag of money

Despite their ballooning wealth, the corporate rich are using their power to demand more tax breaks and protect their industrial-scale tax dodging. Peter Boyle reports.

Container ship and port

Pedro Fuentes, a leader of the Socialist Left Movement (MES), a tendency within Brazil’s Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL) speaks to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about imperialism’s new phase, ecological crisis and international solidarity.

book cover with background image of protest

Federico Fuentes reviews Uprising: The October Rebellion in Ecuador, an exceptional look at the October 2019 anti-neoliberal insurrection from the perspective of one of its central leaders.