Climate crisis


Make Rojava Green Again reports on the conditions, hardships and potential for ecological changes in a region that is undergoing a social revolution and constantly facing military attacks on civil infrastructure and agricultural sites.

young people call for ceasefire now

Young people are taking action to fight for their future instead of doom scrolling on social media, argues Alex Goodsir

Traditional Owners from the Beetaloo Basin and the Torres Strait told stories of resistance against the fossil fuel industry. Coral Wynter reports.

Thousands of people joined the Bob Brown Foundation’s nation-wide “March for Forests”, aiming to ramp up pressure on Labor to stop logging scarce native forests. 

Community First campaigners with Renee Lees at prepoll

The Queensland Greens increased their representation on the Brisbane City Council and won significant swings in other wards at the local government election. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Veronica Koman, Jess Spear, Khaled Ghannam and Rebecca Meckelburg.

The full conference agenda for Ecosocialism 2024 has been released, with an exciting list of new speakers and panels. Fred Fuentes reports.

Climate activists Violet Coco and Brad Homewood were sentenced to jail for two months for taking direct action to highlight the plight of the planet. Rachel Evans reports.

Book covers

Four years on from the outbreak of COVID-19, Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus introduces new reads for reds and greens, including four important new books on capitalism and the pandemic.

An estimated 3000 people called for native forest logging to end as they marched through the CBD to parliament. Philippa Skinner reports.

The decision puts native title holders in a stronger position when fighting to prevent future fossil fuel projects. Jim McIlroy reports.


Critical theorist, feminist and author Nancy Fraser continues her conversation with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, focussing on the role of expropriation and transnationals in modern imperialism, and the challenges facing anti-imperialists and anti-capitalists.

Speakers at the Ecosocialism 2024 conference

Speakers from Malaysia, the Philippines and the United States have been added to the growing bill of international guests at the Ecosocialism 2024 conference. Fred Fuentes reports.