Animal agriculture, justice and welfare

As the cost-of-living and housing crises hit hard, Labor was re-elected in Victoria, despite a 5.8% negative swing which went both to the right and left. The socialist vote was encouraging, reports Jacob Andrewartha

After having said it would not agree to any exemption on its ban on live sheep exports, the federal Department of Agriculture has now allowed a ship to transport tens of thousands of live sheep to the Middle East, reports Mary Merkenich.

Livestock have been scapegoated for all agricultural greenhouse emissions. But, properly managed, their contribution is negligible for methane, and they can be key to tackling the climate crisis, write Elena Garcia and Alan Broughton.

Eliminating livestock farming is no solution to curb the production of greenhouse gases. However, supporting ecological agriculture and attacking the fossil fuel industry are, argues Alan Broughton.

Melbourne Save Animals in Laboratories president Doug Leith spoke with Green Left Weekly’s Mary Merkenich about the real motivations behind animal testing.

In the racing industry the horses always lose, no matter it seems, even if they win.

Speakers at the Animal Activist Forum 2019.

More than 200 people from across the country attended the annual Animal Activist Forum, which was held this year at Melbourne Town Hall over October 19-20.

A Marxist critique of society remains incomplete if it does not consider the fact that, to make profits, capitalists have to not only exploited workers but also nature and animals.

Eating meat is increasingly condemned as an unethical choice that murders sentient beings. But we need to understand that more animals die in plant food production than in abattoirs, writes Elena Garcia.

The nationwide civil disobedience actions by animal rights activists on April 8 caused a media furore. Green Left Weekly’s Mary Merkenich spoke to Vegan Rising campaign director Kristin Leigh, who helped organised the action in Melbourne, about their protest tactics and aims.

Humans experience the brutality of capitalism in wars, harsh working conditions and widespread poverty caused by a class-based society. Every minute a child dies a preventable death.

Capitalism has also been waging a war on animals.

Protestors at the rally in Brisbane holding placcards and banners.

Thousands of people rallied across Australia on June 9 in a National Day of Action against live animal exports.

There were demonstrations in Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Adelaide calling on the federal government to ban the inhumane practice.

A recent survey has revealed that 73% of Australians now want to ban the practice. Two bills calling for live sheep exports to be phased out will be put before federal parliament in mid-August.