
Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents eight recent books for people who want to change the world.

book cover, loaf of processed bread

Coral Wynter reviews Ultra-Processed People, by Chris van Tulleken, which looks at the industrialised chemicals and processed components that make up the ultra-processed food we buy in supermarkets.


Make Rojava Green Again reports on the conditions, hardships and potential for ecological changes in a region that is undergoing a social revolution and constantly facing military attacks on civil infrastructure and agricultural sites.

Book covers

Four years on from the outbreak of COVID-19, Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus introduces new reads for reds and greens, including four important new books on capitalism and the pandemic.

Photos of protests around Canada

Palestine solidarity activists blockaded major arms manufacturing companies across Canada, reinforcing growing calls for an immediate embargo on the country's arms sales to Israel, reports Jeff Shantz.

As global temperatures rise we need serious action to solve the climate emergency

Alarmingly — but not surprisingly — 2023 was the hottest year since 1850, but Labor is dragging its feet and depending on the private sector to handle the climate transition. Pip Hinman reports.

Container ship and port

Pedro Fuentes, a leader of the Socialist Left Movement (MES), a tendency within Brazil’s Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL) speaks to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about imperialism’s new phase, ecological crisis and international solidarity.

attendees at COP28

COP28 is shaping up as another failure, argues Binoy Kampmark.

Labor wants Osborne in SA to be the first designated zone for AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines, with Stirling in WA nominated as the second nuclear submarine base. David Noonan reports.

Fukushima dumping protest

TEPCO began its third discharge of treated Fukushima radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean, reports Peter Boyle.

Mobile phone with no signal

The nationwide outage of Australia’s second-largest telecommunications companies should prompt a reconsideration of bringing these essential services under public ownership, argues Isaac Nellist

Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents new books on Cuba’s degrowth, viruses, Bluefin tuna, small farm solutions, capitalism, slavery and poverty.