By Norm Dixon DURBAN — Wandering along the "Golden Mile" — Durban's tacky hotel-lined stretch of beach front, a cross between Surfers Paradise and Kings Cross — and seeing the throngs of South Africans of all races enjoying the sun and
In defence of self-defence Clean out your kitchen cupboards! Your bathrooms too! Did you know a spray can is a dangerous weapon? Especially when it's in the hands of a woman. This appears to be the conclusion drawn by the NSW Court of
On March 27, the Italian right-wing Freedom Alliance, led by billionaire media magnate Silvio Berlusconi, won a big majority in the country's parliament. LUCIANA CASTELLINA, a member of the European parliament for the Italian Party of Communist
By Paul Walker For more than a year the United States has been pursuing a confrontation with North Korea over its alleged attempts to manufacture nuclear weapons. In the war of words, Clinton last November threatened to destroy North Korea,
Sinn Fein member denied visa By Frank Enright SYDNEY — County Tyrone councillor and Sinn Fein member Barry McElduff was denied a visa to visit Sydney and thus prevented, amongst other things, from addressing the International Green Left
The International Green Left Conference over the Easter weekend was a notable success. The conference drew participants from as far afield as Perth in Australia and Brazil internationally. The main plenary sessions energetically attacked the
Regional authority for Torres Strait Following recent council elections, Torres Strait islands' elected chairpersons, who currently make up the Island Coordinating Council (ICC), will automatically become councillors on the Torres Strait
By Diana Evans [This article is a response to "What is an Ecologically Sustainable Population?" by Emma Webb, in our March 23 issue.] In the debate on the causes and solutions to our rapidly deteriorating global environment and social
By Richard Hindmarsh The challenge to genetic engineering (GE) is meeting strong resistance from corporate agribusiness and its powerful allies within public sector research and development organisations like the CSIRO and pro-biotech government
Leonard Peltier is a Native American who has spent the last 17 years in jail following a controversial trial that found him guilty of murdering two FBI agents. He is the longest-serving Native political prisoner in the United States. On June 26,
No workers' paradise On March 30 civilisation as we knew it ended, or so the employers' representatives would have us believe: Australian workers have been granted jobs virtually for life. ACTU secretary Bill Kelty described the event as the
The lost generation In looking at the struggle for women's rights, we shouldn't forget our great grandmothers, who fought for the right to vote in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The current generation of grandmothers, of