Progressive forces swept Ecuador’s local elections on February 5 as opposition grows to the right-wing Guillermo Lasso government, reports Ana Zorita.
local elections
The second round of the French local elections was bad news for President Emanuel Macron and his austerity agenda, writes John Mullen.
In yet another attack on democracy by Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, more Kurdish parliamentarians and Kurdish mayors were detained and removed from their elected positions, writes Peter Boyle.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) suffered a historic defeat in Turkey’s local elections that even they could not spin as a victory.
Following the AKP’s loss of the three biggest economic centres of Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara, Erdoğan’s balcony speech sounded defeated and defensive.
How did this happen? What role was, and will be played by the country’s main leftist coalition party, the People’s Democratic Party (HDP)?
The March 31 Turkish local election results showed democracy is alive, but if the opposition wants to win there needs to be unity of the Kurdish and Turkish left, writes Arash Azizi.
In view of the December 10 municipal elections, communards and revolutionary activists closely associated with some of the most important initiatives in communal organisation in the country have been put forward as candidates for mayor.
Although we cannot say this is a mass phenomenon, it is undoubtedly a deeply significant event for various reasons.
Venezuela’s National Constituent Assembly (ANC) has denied permission to one of its grassroots delegates to stand as a mayoral candidate in the upcoming December 10 municipal elections.
Angel Prado was elected to the ANC on July 30 as a territorial delegate for his municipality of Simon Planas. Prado is also a leading member of the El Maizal commune in Lara state.
It is no secret that in today’s corporate-dominated media landscape, Venezuela appears almost ubiquitously as a synonym of “dictatorship”.
This is why many may be surprised that Venezuela will hold its 23rd election in 18 years on December 10 when Venezuelans go to the polls to elect local mayors.