Green Left Fighting Fund

As older women become the “face” of homelessness in Australia, it is clear that the system continues to fail the most vulnerable. Aneesa Bhamjee reports.

Tell Australians the truth: The media only cares when white people die. Placard at Meanjin/Brisbane

The Western media was and is enthusiastically cheerleading Israel's genocidal attacks, writes Alex Bainbridge.

Murdoch, Thatcher, Trump

Good riddance to Rupert Murdoch, but don't hold your breath for any positive change to his massive media empire, writes Sue Bull.

Deakin University research found that food prices had gone up “across the board”.

Governments need to take action on rising food prices as Woolworths and Coles report mega profits, Isaac Nellist argues.

Philip Lowe said he is proud of the RBA’s unpopular role in forcing working people to bear the burden of “fighting inflation”. But don’t count on interest rates stopping rising inflation; unemployment is going up, too. Peter Boyle reports.

A CFMEU initiative for a corporate super profit tax to fund social and affordable housing couldn’t have come at a better time. Pip Hinman reports.

Cruel government policies lead to suicides and other misery within detention centres

The death of a refugee at Villawood Detention Centre is the latest indictment of the bipartsian cruelty towards refugees in Australia. Pip Hinman reports.

Landlords are the real zombies, constantly searching for more rent

Isaac Nellist argues that rent controls have been used around the world to deal with skyrocketing rents.

Mining CEOs Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest are still topping the Rich List. Image: Green Left

Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest are still at the top the Rich List, their fortunes growing because the mining boom and tax rules favouring the 1%. Josh Adams reports.

Alex Bainbridge writes new analysis by the Parliamentary Budget Office has found that the cost of the “Stage 3” tax cuts will be $313 billion over 10 years — a huge increase on the $254 billion previously estimated.

income shares of GDP Australia 1975-2022

The big lie at the heart of every budget it that it is a plan to manage the economy for the collective good of the nation, write Peter Boyle and Paul Oboohov.

The ecological and social impacts of a new surge in global military spending will be one of the discussions at the Ecosocialism 2023 conference in Naarm on July 1–2. Peter Boyle reports.