Green Left Fighting Fund

School strike for climate protest in Sydney

Young people are moving away from the major parties in search of real political change, Isaac Nellist reports.

Public school funding has been on the decline for years. No wonder older, experienced teachers are so angry, writes Sue Bull.

The 20th anniversary of the then largest protest in world history is on February 15. As time passes, memories fade. But the huge 2003 protest against the Iraq war was worth remembering, argues Alex Bainbridge.

Oxfam's annual report on global inequality is a damning indictment of the chronically inequitable capitalist system, argues Peter Boyle.

Labor promised to end the cruel practice of imposing temporary protection visas. Alex Bainbridge argues its announcement concerning 19,000 refugees is welcome, but does not go far enough. 

Grassroots movements have gotten us to the point where governments can no longer deny climate change is happening. Pip Hinman argues that those movements have to grow to avoid being sucked into false solutions.

Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe apologised to those who took out home loans on the basis of his promise not to raise interest rates. But he had no apology for wage earners trying to make ends meet amid sharply rising prices. Peter Boyle reports.

After years of bellicose anti-China rhetoric from Australian and US elites, the fact that Xi Jinping, Joe Biden and Anthony Albanese did actually meet does seem positive. Alex Bainbridge looks at what it really represents.

Anthony Albanese must honour Labor’s election promise to grant permanency to the more than 30,000 refugees already living here, writes Janet Parker.

Graphic: Viv Miley

At a time when science should be guiding government policy, important climate research is under attack, reports Ben Radford.

The stage three tax cuts would cost the budget billions

Federal Labor is softening us up for more budget cuts, as interest rates continue to climb and a recession looms. Sue Bull reports. 

Wheat field

Hunger has doubled in the world's 10 worst climate hotspots, worsened by profiteering on cereal markets by huge agriculture corporations. Peter Boyle reports.