
British flag

The recycled soap opera of English royals tearing strips off each other continues to preoccupy Australian and British audiences, writes Rupen Savoulian.

ecosocialist bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six new books for red-greens and green-reds to start the new year.

Capital in the Anthropocene

Marxist economist Michael Roberts reviews Kohei Saito's forthcoming book.

His Name Is George Floyd book

Malik Miah reviews His Name is George Floyd, a new book that places George Perry Floyd jnr's life and death at the hands of police in the context of the racial history of the United States.

Sub imperial power book

Chris Slee reviews Clinton Fernandes’ new book examining Australia’s alliance with United States imperialism and its role in its own region.

Ric Throssell book

Maree Roberts reviews Karen Throssell’s book about her father’s persecution at the hands of Australian security services.

Inspiring socialist, feminist, lesbian, left-wing protest singer Grace Petrie spoke with Kamala Emanuel about music and politics.

Paying the Land by Joe Sacco

Acclaimed comics journalist Joe Sacco travelled to the Arctic regions of north-west Canada to learn about the Dene people and their struggles for his latest book, Paying the Land. Andrew Chuter reviews.

Maus and Berlin covers

Andrew Chuter reviews two classic graphic novels: Maus, which tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust; and Berlin, set during the German Weimar Republic prior to World War II.

Green Left is part of A Love, Art and Revolution Film Festival that will showcase progressive short films in April. Rachel Evans reports.

Ecosocialist Bookshelf

Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six important new books on fungi, wheat, racism, building socialism and more.


For the right-wing press, Elon Musk — who backed the Republicans in the recent midterm elections — is a social media saviour, writes Ari Paul.