Imran Khan

Imran Khan arrest

The situation in Pakistan is highly unstable and volatile, writes Farooq Tariq. The 'palace-intrigues' between the country’s political elite and military establishment has worsened already fragile economic conditions.

Imran Khan

Since he lost power, former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan’s rhetoric against the United States has intensified. However, Khan’s anti-US stand cannot be called anti-imperialism, writes Farooq Tariq.

In his election victory speech on July 26, Imran Khan gave a sober talk that ran contrary to the violent language he used throughout the election campaign, notes Farooq Tariq from Lahore.

Khan’s Pakistan Tereek-e-Insaf (PTI) “won” 116 seats in the National Assembly out of the 342 seats, of which 278 seats are contested directly on the First Past the Post (FPTP) system.

Large swathes of Pakistan are in the stranglehold of a caricatured feudalism, writes Farooq Tariq.