Wollongong Protest: Welfare Not Warfare

Actions, protests & rallies


12:00pm to 1:00pm Wednesday 09 August


Rainbow Stairs, Building 19 Arts
Parry La
University of Wollongong
Keiraville NSW 2500


Albanese is pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into war when students, workers and the poor are facing an acute cost-of-living crisis. These are part of the AUKUS deal that pushes Australia closer to war. We demand the submarine deal be scrapped and the $368 billion be spent on things to improve the lives of ordinary people, like building 1.4 million public housing units, making education free for all students, or raising all welfare payments to at least $88/day. We refuse to accept social services being neglected to fund the military.

Join the National Union of Students to demand:

  • No to the AUKUS military alliance
  • Money for welfare and housing, not nuclear submarines
  • No to universities collaborating with AUKUS and the military
  • No nuclear waste dumps on Aboriginal land

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