#StopAdani and Beyond Roadshow

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


Sydney Town Hall
Sydney NSW 2000


The #StopAdani and Beyond Roadshow is your opportunity to get active with one of the most prominent movements in Australia working to end coal and stop the climate crisis.

You'll hear from some inspiring speakers, learn about what's happening with Adani's coal mine and our movement's plan to stop the mine, and connect and take action with like-minded people.


Welcome to Country: Aunty Rhonda Dixon-Grovenor - Gadigal Elder.

Joseph Sikulu - Managing Director 350.org Pacific, MC: From Haapai Tonga and Vaini in Tongatapu, Joseph Sikulu is a Pacific Climate Warrior working at the intersection of Climate Change and Human Rights to empower and resource Pacific communities everywhere to rise up and protect their islands and identities.

Manjot Kaur - South Asians for Climate Justice. Manjot is a 19 year old Indian-Australian activist from Mudgee. She was a leader of the first School Strike 4 Climate in Sydney. Drawing on her connection to Punjab, Manjot works to decolonise the environment movement through South Asians for Climate Justice

Gemma Borgo-Caratti - Senior Campaigner, The Sunrise Project: Hear about how we are already stopping Adani’s coal mine, how we are using Adani’s coal mine to move entire sectors away from coal, and why Adani’s coal mine being under construction has no bearing on our ability to #StopAdani.

Isaac Astill - #StopAdani Organiser, Tipping Point: Hear about how we will push Adani’s biggest investors to divest from Adani’s coal plans AND divest from coal at the same time. Isaac will also outline the actions we can use across Australia to push these huge investment companies.

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