Green Left is pleased to announce the formation of the Global Ecosocialist Network. We encourage all readers to support this important initiative to strengthen ecosocialist collaboration around the world.
GEN’s initial aim is to “facilitate the development and spread of ecosocialist ideas and relevant information internationally, to ensure that socialist ideas are heard within the current explosion of ecological debate".
Founding sponsors include ecosocialist activists from Africa, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.
Membership is open to individual socialists and socialist organisations that support the network’s six key principles:
- There is a generalised environmental crisis of which climate change is the lead element. This crisis is extremely urgent and threatens the future of humanity and countless other species.
- The cause of this crisis is capitalism — an economic and social system based on competitive exploitation and production for profit.
- Solving this crisis and surviving it involves an international break with capitalism and its replacement by socialism — an economic and social system based on collective ownership of the main forces of production and democratic planning.
- To achieve this we need a global mobilisation of people power.
- Such mobilisation requires a commitment to a just transition ie not one based on attacking the jobs and living standards of the mass of working people.
- The united mobilisation we need also requires opposition to all racist, sexist, national, homophobic and transphobic oppression.
If GEN grows and develops, an early project will be organising a global conference later this year.
[Green Left editors Susan Price and Federico Fuentes are among GEN's founding sponsors. For more information visit the GEN website or get in touch via Facebook and Twitter.]