Light Them Up (Collateral Murder)

April 9, 2011

This was inspired by the “Collateral Murder” video released in April 2010 by WikiLeaks.

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1. Oh, come all you American teenagers
Put away your video games
And get some real shoot em-up-action
Wasting folks with weird-sounding names

Now how would you like to bear true faith
By joining an Apache crew
In trouble spots around the world
There’s killing work to do

Light them up
Keep shooting
Look at all
Those dead bastards

2. Well, there’s so many features to tell you about
Like the Boeing M230 chain gun
With that Arab-slaying motherfucker
You can really have some fun

Now the target acquisition system
Means aiming is a piece of cake
You can sit off from a mile away
And carve sand-niggers up like steak

Light them up
Keep shooting
Yeah, that’s nice
Those dead bastards

3. And the top brass they have no problem
With requests to open fire
We’re out there fighting a war of terror
So why bother to enquire

They had their chance to surrender the oil
That lubricates the American way
And it’s their fault for bringing their kids to a battle
So give them another spray

Light them up
Keep shooting
Look at all
Those dead bastards

4. And now that the mission is over
Head on back to the air-conditioned base
For some specially flown in Burger King
And a trafficked prostitute in cheap lace

‘Cause I know it gets your manhood stiff
All that high tech power in your hands
We joined the army to kill and fuck our way
Through foreign lands

Light them up
Keep shooting
Light them up
Keep shooting

Look at all
Those dead bastards
Yeah, that’s nice
Those dead bastards

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