Nick Origlass

May 22, 1996

On May 16, well known battler for the working class Nick Origlass died in Sydney at age 88.

Nick Origlass was one of the early members of the Trotskyist movement in Australia. He was a committed and militant unionist who led the Balmain branch of the ironworkers' union through many a battle which strengthened and deepened the best traditions of the trade union movement in this country.

Nick Origlass battled it out with other socialists inside the Labor Party for more than a decade before being expelled and moving on to become an independent alderman, and eventually mayor, on Leichhardt Council. Throughout, he maintained a close connection and commitment to making the world a better place for all working people.

A longer article on Nick Origlass' contribution to the working-class movement in Australia will appear in a coming issue of Green Left.

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