Issue 1409


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Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen discuss some of the highlights from Ecosocialism 2024.

This link provides a compilation of videos from the Ecosocialism 2024: Climate Action Not War conference, hosted by Green Left and co-sponsored by Socialist Alliance and LINKS International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

In a cynical attempt to quash free speech and pro-Palestinian activism by staff and students, management at the University of Sydney announced a new Campus Access Policy. Markela Panegyres reports.

Supporters of the Powerhouse Museum are concerned that NSW Labor is not sticking to its promise to retain the arts and sciences museum. Tom Lockley reports.

More than 200 Palestine solidarity campaigners joined a community picket against Electromold in Thomastown. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Participants and organisers alike were inspired by the Ecosocialism 2024: Climate Action Not War conference. Jacob Andrewartha reports on the gathering which was aimed at building a stronger anti-capitalist movement.

Western Australian Senator Fatima Payman has resigned after pressure from Labor colleagues. Payman refused to abide by Labor caucus discipline over Palestine and Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Peter Boyle reports.

Melbourne palestine rally

Gaza is a grave yard for thousands of children, with more children killed in Israel’s siege of Gaza than world conflicts over the last four years.

The Rising Tide national tour arrived outside Labor MP Peter Khalil’s office in Coburg and dumped a truck load of bull shit in protest at its climate ‘policy’. Darren Saffin reports.

Isaac Nellist asked some attendees at the Ecosocialism 2024 conference about what they thought were its highlights. 

Woolworths EBA

The Retail and Fast Food Workers’ Union has promised to contest the new enterprise bargainning agreement at Woolworths, after the largest No vote in Australian history. Isaac Nellist reports. 

The City of Sydney Council decided to start investigating its ties to companies that are complicit in human rights abuses in Palestine, including the illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian Territories. Jim McIlroy reports.

palestine protest in melbourne

For the 37th consecutive week protesters took to the streets around the country to protest Labor’s complicity in Israel being able to continue its genocide in Gaza for nine months.

The federal Disability Discrimination Act states that public transport in all states and territories must be fully accessible by the end of 2022. But Darren Saffin reports that the Victorian government is ignoring this.

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Isaac Nellist discusses the nurses and midwives in Victoria and NSW fighting for fair pay and conditions, Palestine's football team plays in Boorloo/Perth and Federico Fuentes from the Boris Kagarlitsky International Solidarity Campaign discusses the latest updates from the anti-war Russian dissident's trial.


South African human rights activist Salim Vally speaks to Jonathan Ramnac in the latest episode of the Green Left Show.

Bullying your way to nuclear power might play out well in the Coalition party room, but it’s unlikely to win favour with the states or voters, writes Jim Green.

Whistleblowers and journalists who expose the hypocrisy, double standards and crimes of the powerful must be protected and supported, write Peter Boyle and Pip Hinman.

The Canberra press corps earn their crust in an often uncritical relationship with the political establishment. Binoy Kampmark writes that the last thing they want is Julian Assange scuppering this neat understanding.

Up the garden path

Peter Dutton's nuclear power push needs to be opposed but Labor is compromised on nuclear, writes Alex Bainbridge.

One of the longest political persecutions is coming to its end, although nothing about the fate of Julian Assange seems determinative. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Julian Assange should never have been jailed and tortured for helping Chelsea Manning expose United States war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Their freedom means the West is failing to silence dissent.

NSW is the last state to ensure trans people are not discriminated against. But progress is slow with conservative lobby groups doing all they can to prevent equality, as Josh Adams reports.

NSW Treasurer announced a “once in a generation” $5.1 billion addition to arrest the state’s decline in new social housing. Jim McIlroy reports that, without the detail, some are sceptical.


Clifton D'Rozario in 2024

Following India’s 2024 general elections, Green Left’s Isaac Nellist spoke with Clifton D’Rozario, a leading member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation (CPIML), about the fights ahead.

workers with signs

Samsung workers in South Korea embarked on their first-ever strike on June 7, involving about one-fifth of Samsung’s workforce in the country. Pranjal Pandey reports.

child walking

14,000 children have been killed in Gaza since October last year and an estimated 17,000 children are unaccompanied or separated. Vijay Prashad reports.

cannabis pipe

The US state of Maryland made history when it legalised cannabis in a constitutional referendum on July 1, last year. The state took a further step on June 17, pardoning 175,000 cannabis convictions, reports Malik Miah.

two men with French flag in background

The victory of the far right in the first round of elections in France is a severe setback. However the left has also made real advances. John Mullen outlines an anti-capitalist perspective on the deep political crisis in France.

Two guerilla fighters

In a recent escalation of the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan regime’s ongoing war against Kurds, the Turkish armed forces has deployed about 1000 troops and 300 tanks and armoured vehicles in Duhok province in Iraqi Kurdistan, reports Peter Boyle.

candidate addressing a crowd

While elections are not at the centre of class struggle, the formation of left-wing electoral alliance the New Popular Front has inspired a wider and deeper anti-fascist mobilisation in France, argues John Mullen.

picture of starbucks workers holding signs

The United States Supreme Court sided with international coffee chain Starbucks on June 13 in a decision that will make it easier for companies to sack union organisers, reports Malik Miah.

boat in port with inset photo of two people

Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant Helen O'Sullivan told Green Left's Susan Price that despite the setback in Istanbul, she and other activists are still determined to be onboard as the fleet carries out its mission.


Protest albums from June 2024

Mat Ward looks back at June's political news and the best new music that related to it.

three women in an audience

In mid-June, Delhi BJP official VK Saxena announced he had given the greenlight to prosecute Modi critic, award-winning writer and dissident Arundhati Roy, reports Paul Gregoire.