Vannessa Hearman, Melbourne
As talks between East Timor and Australia re-commenced in Dili, the Timor Sea Justice Campaign (TSJC) was notified on April 27 that its latest television commercials were again refused broadcast by TV stations. The ads,
Andrew Hall, Canberra
The effect of detention on the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers was the topic of a public forum organised by the ACT Refugee Action Committee (RAC) on April 28. It was attended by 135 people.
Guest speakers, Dr
Sibylle Kaczorek
As the Australian government continues its attempted theft of Timorese oil, solidarity from Australians with the Timorese becomes more important than ever. At Easter, Tomas Freitas, a spokesperson from the East Timor Institute for
This is abridged from a statement delivered by Cuban foreign minister Felipe Perez Roque to the UN Human Rights Commission meeting in Geneva on March 17.
The Commission on Human Rights has lost legitimacy. It is not credible. It allows the impunity
Bernie Neville was an organiser for the Electrical Trades Union during the 1980s SEQEB dispute. Writing for the April special supplement of Neighbourhood News, he explained the role Joh played in that dispute.
In February 1985, the National Party
Sarah Wagner and Gregory Wilpert interviewed Aristobulo Isturiz, Venezuela's education minister, for Venezuela Analysis. This is abridged from the full interview, available at <>.
Jon Lamb, Darwin
After many months of campaigning, teachers in the Northern Territory have won a better pay deal than that originally offered by the NT government.
Following a conciliation meeting of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission
Rohan Pearce
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, to be held in New York May 2-27, is likely to be used by the Bush administration as a platform for more shrill denunciations of Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program, probably
Combating moral relativism I
"Today, having a clear faith based on the creed of the Church is often labeled as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, that is, letting oneself be 'tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine', seems
Many defenders of Joseph Ratzinger's appointment as pope are arguing that his conservatism will make him generally popular among Catholics. Maybe, maybe not.
However, the Catholic Church is not merely a private club of consenting adults
Doug Lorimer
While nearly 100,000 Iraqis and 1600 US troops have died as a result of the Iraq war and tens of thousands have been severely wounded, the war has proven to be extremely lucrative for the Houston-based oil services company Halliburton
Hollywood and the Holocaust — Examines Hollywood's complex — and sometimes contradictory — responses to the horrors of Nazi Germany. SBS, Friday, May 6, 7.30pm.
Get Up Stand Up: Say it Loud — Investigates the rich history of politics in
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