BY DANI BARLEY DETROIT — With chants such as “Hell no, we won't go, we won't fight for Texaco”, students across the United States protested on March 5 in record numbers. Far exceeding the expectation of protest organisers, up to 50,000
BY EMMA CLANCY The March 5 student strike against war was a huge success, mobilising around 30,000 students and young people across Australia as part of an international day of student action to stop the impending war on Iraq. Some elements
East Timorese foreign minister Jose Ramos Horta's defence of Washington's "aggressive strategy" towards Iraq is not a surprise. Horta's approach to diplomacy throughout the struggle for East Timor's independence was always based on offering assurances to the US government that an independent East Timor would be friendly towards US interests. This approach was bound to lead to major defects of memory (and analysis) once independence was achieved. These defects are most evident in his article "War for peace? It worked in my country", published in the Sydney Morning Herald and the Age on February 25.
BY NORM DIXON The Socialist Alliance on March 3 called on Greens, Australian Democrats and ALP senators to demonstrate their opposition to Australia's participation in a US war on Iraq by blocking supply when treasurer Peter Costello delivers the