BY LEE SUSTAR PORTO ALEGRE — At the first World Social Forum (WSF) in 2001, delegates assembled to challenge the elite World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, with a live debate via videoconference. "[T]he best gift that the 2000 corporate


US President George Bush used his highly stage-managed State of the Union address on January 28 to put the argument that not going to war against Iraq is a more dangerous option than going to war. The fact that a full-scale US-led war against Iraq
BY KERRYN WILLIAMS The vision of V-Day is a world where women are free from violence: a "V-World" where women and girls will be "allowed to be born in China, India and Korea", "safe at parties on college campuses", "keeping their clitorises in
BY DIANNE FEELEY DETROIT — On January 11, a meeting of more than 100 officers of US trade unions and activists from a number of labour anti-war committees met in Chicago to establish US Labor Against the War (USLAW). The meeting reflected the
BY JOHN MORRIS SYDNEY — With the commencement of the secondary school year, an imminent teachers' salaries and conditions dispute and school-support staffing levels in review, the lead-up to the NSW election on March 22 will be a period of
BY KELLIA RAMARES Even as US President George Bush threatens to invade Iraq, claiming that Saddam Hussein is hiding biological weapons, Washington is hypocritically expanding its own biowarfare research programs. The US government plans to
SYDNEY — At 8am on January 31, Dean Jefferys and Marlene Obeid scaled the Sydney Opera House to display three huge banners in protest at the Australian government's support for a US attack on Iraq. The banners read: "No war against Iraq, No
BY JEFF SHANTZ TORONTO — On January 25, several hundred people took to the streets of Montreal, Quebec, to defend the nearly 1000 non-status Algerians facing imminent deportation from Canada. The protest action was the most recent in a broad
BY VANNESSA HEARMAN MELBOURNE — At a public meeting, entitled "Counting the Cost of War", held by the Victorian Peace Network on January 29 at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology's Storey Hall, a number of speakers highlighted what war
Or had one too many? "[Author David] Frum describes a meeting in the Oval Office last September with five clergymen... 'You know', Bush told them, 'I had a drinking problem. Right now I should be in a bar in Texas, not the Oval Office. There is
BY BILL MASON &TIM STEWART BRISBANE — In an extraordinary move against food-irradiation protesters, the Queensland Labor government, through its Department of State Development, has taken out charges in the Supreme Court against an individual
BY RALF SCHARMANN DARWIN — Traditional owners in several Top End communities have offered sanctuary to 84 Darwin-based East Timorese asylum seekers who are facing deportation. Marie Munkara, traditional owner of Cape Fourcroy on Bathurst Island