BY LISA MACDONALD SYDNEY — More than 1000 refugees' rights campaigners joined visitors from more than 20 countries in a march to Villawood refugee prison early on March 31, Easter Sunday. The action, initiated by the 2nd Asia Pacific
BY AHMAD NIMER RAMALLAH — On March 29, I was awoken in the early morning as Israeli soldiers invaded the apartment block in which my room-mate and I lived. The soldiers ordered everyone in the building to gather in the apartment upstairs. I
BY ALISON DELLIT One of the eight "anti-terrorism" bills currently before the Senate — the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2002 — will, if passed, enable the federal attorney-general to "ban" organisations. Membership of,
BY MANOJ ABEY SYDNEY — In the wake of the September 11 World Trade Center bombings, the federal Coalition government announced that it would introduce a spate of new "security measures" to deal with the threat of terrorism in Australia and
BY NORM DIXON The terrible miscarriage of justice perpetrated on January 31, 2001 — when three Scottish judges in a juryless court pronounced Libyan citizen Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi guilty of the murder of 270 people in the December 21,
Alabi Ayinde is in a coma in a Lagos hospital in Nigeria after being brutally deported from Ireland. As far as is known, all Ayinde's injuries were inflicted by Irish immigration guards. On March 28, Ayinde and five other Nigerians were put on a
BY PETER ROBSON& JIM MCILROY "The US war on Afghanistan provided no solution to the problems of the region", Farooq Tariq, general secretary of the Labour Party Pakistan, told a lunchtime meeting at Newcastle University on April 3, as he began a