Community theatre on Tasmania's west coast By Julia Perkins ROSEBERY — The "Big hArt" community theatre company is developing a theatre project with young people here. With funding from DEETYA and the Arts Council, two Melbourne community
Three DollarsBy Elliot PerlmanPicador, 1998. 381 pp., $16.95 (pb) Review by Phil Shannon For a few short years, Eddie and Tanya, fresh young husband and wife university graduates, seemed to be making their way through life securely and serenely. In
Marsinah's song heard around the world By Janet Parker and Bec Conroy On March 10, Indonesian playwright Ratna Sarumpaet was arrested along with her daughter and eight others for organising a protest against the "re-election" of Suharto for a
Correction In the article "Forest agreement rigged and fraudulent" in GLW #321, the Nyoongar Land Council, which represents the Nyoongar people of south-west WA was misspelled as Nyungar Land Council. Our apologies for this error.
Namibian miners: 'Rio Tinto is racist' WINDHOEK — Rio Tinto, the world's biggest private mining company, has been accused of "racist practices" in Namibia by the trade union representing mining workers. On June 19, the Mineworkers' Union of
By Peter Montague The Cold War ended six years ago, and President Clinton has said, "In this new world, our children are growing up free from the shadows of the Cold War and the threat of nuclear holocaust". Unfortunately, the president is not
Elections A federal election seems to be looming. With all political parties well and truly in campaigning mode, many issues and questions that are important to feminists will be posed more sharply over the next few months. Not least of these
Victorian secondary students strike against Hanson By Jo Williamsand Reuben Endean MELBOURNE — On June 25, 1000 secondary students from across Victoria walked out of school to demonstrate their opposition to Pauline Hanson and the racist One
From Hollywood to Ouagadougou By Norm Dixon For decades, Hollywood has busily churned out images of Africa that are both ludicrous and racist. Africa is usually portrayed as "wild and untamed", its majestic wildlife taking centre stage. African
The Little Aussie Battler (reg'd trademark) There is a funny idea abroad (by which I mean, of course, in this dry brown land in which we dwell) that there exists a minor figure of such truthful grit that every attribute of ordinariness is
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 7pm. Ph 9565 5522. Access News —
Council tries to ban free speech rally By Emma Webb ADELAIDE — Around 100 people attended a rally for free speech in Rundle Mall on June 26, despite attempts by Adelaide City Council to prevent the action from going ahead. The protesters were