By any objective measure, the ninth Summit of the Americas, hosted by the United States in Los Angeles from June 6–10, was a failure, writes Ian Ellis-Jones.

 Home Secretary Priti Patel and Minister Biruta sign the migration and economic development partnership between the UK and Rwanda.

The first flight from Britain to Rwanda filled with asylum seekers will, unless the Court of Appeal rules otherwise, take off on June 14, writes Binoy Kampmark

The federal government will spend $48.6 billion on the military. This, we are told, is to keep us safe. But, as William Briggs argues, many are feeling decidedly unsafe. Our fear is real as we wonder how to keep warm, pay the bills and keep a roof over our heads?

Say 'no' to the Cashless Debit Card, Brisbane Labour Day 2022

Labor has said it will work with local communities on better local solutions” to the cashless debit card, leaving it a little ambiguous. Alex Bainbridge argues that all income management needs to stop.

Despite ongoing protests, shortages, 40% inflation and a historic debt default, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa says he will finish his term. His statement comes amid a wave of mass arrests of peaceful protestors, reports Janaka Biyanwila.

Denis Rogatyuk reviews Latin American Extractivism, a compilation of articles analysing the political economy of resource nationalism and policies of natural resource extraction by left-wing and right-wing governments in the region.