By Tom Kelly A worker using a wooden stick presses plastic bundles into a hopper, where it melts into a grey mass. The plastic is mixed with a colouring agent and tipped into a moulding machine, where it is formed into coat hangers. Nearby,
All relative "There is no democracy in preselection , and we need to democratise our party ... we need a more broad-based selection committee who will look at people not because they are someone's relative but because they deserve it." — NSW
Black River Directed by Kevin Lucas Mercury Cinema, Adelaide Reviewed by Melanie Sjoberg Black River won the 1993 Grand Prix Opera Screen, Paris, and AFI nomination at the London, Hawaii, Melbourne and Brisbane international film
Court government to close schools By Stephen Robson PERTH — Despite the "I'm not Jeff Kennett and this is not Victoria" rhetoric during the 1993 state election campaign from Liberal leader Richard Court, his school closure program has all
By Kate Shannon On February 25 a delegation of five women will depart Australia to observe the Salvadoran elections. "We have been invited by the FMLN to join with other international representatives to observe the March 20 elections", explained
8 Gang with Mao By Stephen Robson PERTH — Over the school holiday period, the Photography Gallery of Western Australia organised an introductory photography course for eight high school students. This led to the exhibition of the
By Craig Cormick Based on highly reliably international contacts, leaked documents and horoscopes from several TV magazines, Nostradamus' Media Watch presents a highly accurate forecast of political events across the globe. Norfolk Island
Sewage flows into Sydney Harbour By Amy Phillips SYDNEY — Up to 30% of Sydney's sewage will never make it to a treatment plant during rainy weather, according to recent reports. During severe storms, Sydney's ageing pipe system is forced
By Frank Enright The war against the people of Bougainville has been accepted on the agenda of the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) for this year in Geneva. The Bougainville interim government representative to the UN, Mike
By Renfrey Clarke MOSCOW — "'The Union of Labour' — that is the name chosen by a trade union social and political movement formed in Krasnoyarsk region. The founders include the trade unions of workers in education and science, culture and
For years, death squads, generally disguised as civilians or in Arab dress, have vigorously carried out their lethal work of eliminating the "wanted" on their hit list of "hard-core activists" (many of them teenagers) — and anyone who gets in the
Open Learning — The New World Disorder — This program furthers the analysis of the "displacement of ideology" as the central organising principle of many communities and the rise of ethnic and nationalist-inspired strife. ABC Radio National,