NSW Police has again used the pandemic to thwart staff and students' efforts to protest Sydney University's job cuts and the federal government’s refusal to help universities, reports Rachel Evans.

Julian Assange is facing a show trial, designed to warn any whistleblower and journalist not to go down the same path. He is not on trial for any crime, but rather for exposing them, argues Sam Wainwright.

Western capitalist approaches have created dangerous conditions in California, but Indigenous communities have managed fire as a natural part of the ecosystem, writes Sonali Kolhatkar.

The attempt to get a religious freedom bill passed into law is part of an ongoing unholy war on our increasingly fragile democracy, argues Suzanne James.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s personality is undoubtedly a factor in her appeal. But, politically, Ardern represents a form of centrist politics that has failed to address the challenges of our time, argues Ani White.

Four years after the death in custody of Wiradjuri, Kookatha and Wirangu father-of-one Wayne “Fella” Morrison, the SA Ombudsman has asked corrective services to apologise to his family, writes Rachel Evans.

Moreland socialist councillor Sue Bolton has worked hard over her two terms. Now, she is keen to be re-elected for a third, writes Jacob Andrewartha.

Activists visited insurance company Arch Insurance to ask it to rule out supporting Adani, reports Coral Wynter.

Catastrophic fires raging in the west of the United States are being fuelled by climate denial and bipartisan pandering to fossil fuel interests, writes Barry Sheppard.

A new Climate Justice Charter has been adopted by a mass online assembly of activists in South Africa, reports Climate and Capitalism

With the help of the new laws, western mining companies have started expatriating mining profits, contributing to the super-exploitation and underdevelopment of Burkina Faso, writes Yanis Iqbal.

Helen Masterman-Smith speaks to Green Left about how university workers are learning as they campaign against management's job cuts.