By Deb Sorensen in Kakadu National Park The tourists are slowing down now, and the clouds are building up. The weather is hot and muggy; everybody goes around with their clothes stuck to their bodies with sweat. The gathering clouds and
Unexpected "A very disappointing result and most unexpected. We will go on, because we are fighting a battle for the civil liberties in this country." — Entrepreneur John Elliott on the Federal Court's refusal to stop the National Crime Authority
WA legislation rammed through By Stephen Robson PERTH — The Court government rushed its Land (Titles and Traditional Usage) Bill through the Legislative Council in an all-night debate that finished early on the morning of November 25.
Police on November 19 shot dead Raimal Punya Vasave, a 15-year-old tribal youth, during a protest against the giant Sardar Sarovar Dam on the Narmada River in Maharashtra state. Three other tribal people were seriously injured. The villagers
NSW South Coast unionists in court By Bernie Brian WOLLONGONG — The trial of two south coast unionists is to continue, despite the disappearance of one of the prosecution's key witnesses. South Coast Labour Council (SCLC) secretary
By Steve Rogers CANBERRA — Public Sector Union members in the ACT have delivered a stunning rebuff to the incumbent leadership in the current branch executive elections. The PSU Challenge team campaigned on a wide range of issues including
Vic Trades Hall doges campaign on holidays By Jason Cheng MELBOURNE — A Victorian Trades Hall Council shop stewards/job delegates meeting on November 24 voted to endorse action against the Kennett government's latest attacks on Workcover
By John Clancy The 30-year US blockade of Cuba, recently condemned by the United Nations General Assembly, fits into a long history of US interference with the island. This is excellently summarised in Noam Chomsky's book Year 501, which devotes
Issue 122 of Green Left Weekly featured a cover on Ireland. From around the country, sellers report that it was one of the best received in some time. When you look at the mass media reporting of Irish politics, the reasons why this issue of was so
By Norm Dixon A new opinion poll, released in early November, predicts that the National Party (NP) will be thrashed in the April 27 general elections. The poll, by Integrated Marketing Research, was specially weighted to include squatters,
Hindmarsh picket continues ADELAIDE — Support for the Friends of Goolwa and Kumarangk — opposing the proposed Hindmarsh Island bridge and associated developments — is growing. Unions supporting this broad coalition now include all
Music as chronicle True Believers By John Schumann Columbia Reviewed by John Williams When Phil Ochs released his 1964 album All the News Fit to Sing, he continued a folk tradition of being the chronicler of popular concerns and