Pip Hinman

Map of nuclear warheads by country

As Israel ramps up its threats on Iran, Syria and Lebanon, the campaign to abolish nuclear weapons has never been so urgent, writes Pip Hinman.

public sector workers wont be silenced

Despite enormous pressure and threats of losing their jobs, public servants continue to organise to demand Labor takes a stand against Israel’s genocide in Palestine. Pip Hinman reports.

Megan Krakouer at Ecosocialism 2024

Megan Krakouer, Menang woman of the Noongar Nation, said the rate of incarceration of First Nations people is “out of control” and suicides are rising at an alarming rate. Pip Hinman reports. 

Whistleblowers and journalists who expose the hypocrisy, double standards and crimes of the powerful must be protected and supported, write Peter Boyle and Pip Hinman.

palestine protest in melbourne

For the 37th consecutive week protesters took to the streets around the country to protest Labor’s complicity in Israel being able to continue its genocide in Gaza for nine months.

Richard Boyle, who exposed serious misconduct in the Australian Taxation Office, lost his appeal to be protected under whistleblower laws. Pip Hinman reports.

The Fair Work Commission seemed to understand that awarding the lowest-paid quarter of the workforce an extra $33.11 a week would do little to ease the cost-of-living crisis. Jim Mcllroy and Pip Hinman report.

In yet another public hand-out to fossil energy, NSW Labor has said the ageing Eraring coal-fired power station will stay open until 2027 to ensure a stable power supply. But there are other options, argue Zane Alcorn and Pip Hinman.

The Jewish Council of Australia has renewed its call on federal Labor to pressure Israel to stop committing genocide, following Israel’s May 27 airstrike on Palestinians reduced to living in tents. Pip Hinman reports.

young people jailed

New South Wales Labor's harsh new bail laws have been widely opposed by First Nations, legal and community groups who say they will cause 'unspeakable damage', reports Pip Hinman.

Calls to end the removal of Aboriginal children from their families were made at rallies around the country to mark Sorry Day and the beginning of Reconciliation Week. Alex Salmon and Pip Hinman report.

kids holding a banner

Since the Labor and Liberal parties have lost hearts and minds over their support for genocidal Israel, they are now moving to culture wars, argues Pip Hinman.