Jim McIlroy

The corporate vultures are circling the ailing National Broadband Network after the federal government said it will spend money on it. Jim McIlroy argues it should not be readied for sale but stay in public hands.

Peter Simpson, “Simmo”, a stalwart of the Electrical Trades Union Queensland and NT branch has been widely hailed as a “legend” for putting the union and social justice ahead of party politics, writes Jim McIlroy.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is floating bringing forward billions of dollars worth of income tax cuts for the rich, arguing it will boost the COVID-19-ravaged economy. Jim McIlroy argues it won't help our economy and nor will the government's push for more gas. 

Unions have launched a plan to tackle the “broken” aged care system and protect workers at the front line, reports Jim McIlroy.

Former PM Paul Keating's user-pays aged-care 'solutions' will not help, argues Jim McIlroy.

Koalas, the popular but endangered marsupial native, seem to have been the cause of a ruckus inside the NSW Coalition, writes Jim McIlroy.

Amnesty International has presented a petition with almost 400,000 signatures to the United States Consulate calling on the US government to drop the charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, reports Jim McIlroy.

Activists from across the world are ramping up their campaign against the latest United States and British attacks on Venezuela's sovereignty, reports Jim McIlroy.

Members of the United Workers Union employed by Officeworks are battling to secure jobs, pay and conditions, reports Jim McIlroy.

The interim report into the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements found fault with all levels of government, but it is yet to comment on the cause of the catastrophic Black Summer fires, writes Jim McIlroy.

Bus drivers held a four hour stop-work on August 24 to demand improved conditions and COVID-19 safety measures, reports Jim McIlroy.

Billionaire mining magnate Clive Palmer has launched multiple court actions against the Western Australian government and its premier. Jim McIlroy argues that with organisation and struggle, we can challenge the ill-gotten wealth of the 1%.