Pakistan’s February 8 general elections resulted in a split vote, with no party securing a clear national majority, writes Farooq Tariq, offering little hope for positive change, as the incoming government is poised to fast-track neoliberal policies, privatise state institutions and deepen class exploitation.
Farooq Tariq
No matter who attacks, the Baloch people are the target on both sides, writes Farooq Tariq.
The International Monetary Fund approved a larger-than-expected conditional loan — worth US$3 billion — for Pakistan, on July 12, reports Farooq Tariq. But ordinary people will pay the cost.
The situation in Pakistan is highly unstable and volatile, writes Farooq Tariq. The 'palace-intrigues' between the country’s political elite and military establishment has worsened already fragile economic conditions.
While floodwaters have receded across much of Pakistan, relief efforts continue to support flood-affected communities, reports Farooq Tariq.
Floods have devastated Pakistan, affecting millions of people and incurring huge economic losses. Farooq Tariq provides a briefing on the disaster and an appeal for funds.
Since he lost power, former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan’s rhetoric against the United States has intensified. However, Khan’s anti-US stand cannot be called anti-imperialism, writes Farooq Tariq.
Green Left speaks to veteran Pakistani socialist Farooq Tariq about the attitudes of the Pakistani state and ruling elite to the Taliban's recent return to power.
A recording of a public forum on left perspectives of the Afghanistan war and aftermath hosted by Green Left and the Socialist Alliance.
The Taliban's victory is not a sign of peace but a message of perpetual civil war, writes Farooq Tariq.
Farooq Tariq, spokeperson for the Awami Workers’ Party, in Pakistan spoke to Green Left Weekly on August 6 about the situation in Kashmir.
Ali Wazeer and Mohsin Dawar, members of the Pakistan National Assembly, were arrested in May on trumped up terrorism charges. An international solidarity campaign is calling for their release.
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