
Boris Kagarlitsky behind bars via video link

"Unjust but not unexpected" is how Suzi Weissman, spokesperson for the Boris Kagarlitsky International Solidarity Campaign, described the June 5 decision of a Russian court to reject Boris Kagarlitsky’s appeal against a five-year jail term for "justifying terrorism".

Daria Kozyreva, Boris Kagarlitsky, Bohdan Ziza

Russian president Vladimir Putin's regime is using anti-terror laws to step up its repression at home and in Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine, reports Federico Fuentes.

Boris Kagarlitsky behind bars

Jailed anti-war sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky’s final appeal against his five-year jail term will be heard on June 5, reports Federico Fuentes.

Boris Kagarlitsky behind bars

Former radical left British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn drew attention to the case of jailed socialist dissident Boris Kagarlitsky and other Russian anti-war political prisoners when he addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on April 17, reports Federico Fuentes.

Green Left News Podcast Ep 37, April 6, 2024

Green Left journalist Isaac Nellist goes through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.

city hall man's face

Renowned Russian sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky sent the following message from prison to his daughter, Ksenia, on March 26. In it, he discusses the fallout of the horrific terrorist attack carried out at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall on March 22. Translated by Renfrey Clarke.

man and woman

Renowned Russian sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky was jailed on February 13 for five years on trumped-up charges of "justifying terrorism". In reality, his only crime has been to speak out against Russia's war in Ukraine. Renfrey Clarke has translated Kagarlitsky's first public letter sent from prison to his daughter, Ksenia.

building and man

Following the horrific terrorist attack carried out at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall on March 22, Russian leftists are warning that the government’s response is “more frightening than the terrorist attack itself”, reports Federico Fuentes.

man and woman

Boris Kagarlitsky’s daughter, Ksenia Kagarlitskaya, and others inside and outside Russia, are spearheading a global campaign to demand her father’s release. She spoke with Green Left's Federico Fuentes about the campaign and the need for solidarity with all political prisoners in Russia.

Release Boris Kagarlitsky

A global petition has been launched to demand the release of Russian anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky.

Free Boris Kagarlitsky

Family members and supporters of renowned Russian sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky have initiated two fronts in their campaign to free the 65-year-old political prisoner, reports Federico Fuentes.

Mikail Lubanov surrounded by journalists

Russian labour and anti-war activist Mikhail Lobanov is part of a new left-wing initiative, called Just World/Just Peace, which is seeking to disrupt Russia's staged presidential elections on March 15‒17. He spoke to Green Left’s Federico Fuentes about the campaign.