
Nicholas Cowdery, a former NSW Director of Public Prosecutions, told an NSW parliamentary inquiry that the personal use of cannabis should be decriminalised, also to reduce the rate of Aboriginal imprisonment. Kerry Smith reports.

Ofer prison

International solidarity is needed amid massive overcrowding in Israeli prisons and crimes against humanity being committed daily by the Israeli occupying forces against prisoners and detainees, writes Hassan Abed Rabbu.

CFMEU members in Victoria are standing strong with hundreds of members attending an overflowing branch meeting keen to discuss a fight-back. Sue Bull reports.

France’s Thales defence group offices were raided in France, the Netherlands and Spain, with prosecutors pursuing charges related to corruption, attempts to influence foreign officials and money laundering. Binoy Kampmark reports. 

Dozens of University of Sydney clubs, societies and groups held stalls on campus in defiance of management’s draconian new Campus Access Policy. Isaac Nellist reports.

Marching against genocide, Magan-djin/Brisbane, July 28

The 42nd week of continuous protests against Israel’s genocide took place after a joint statement by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the Prime Ministers of New Zealand and Canada. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Renfrey Clarke writes that some of Peter Dutton’s nuclear power plan “facts” are comedic — in a very dark kind of way. But the Coalition’s endorsement of nuclear will have a deadening effect on investment in renewables.

The movement against genocide has highlighted PM Anthony Albanese’s intransigent support for Israel. This is a reason for the new crackdown on pro-Palestine protesters, argues Jacob Andrewartha.

Advocates are pleased that the long-awaited Northern Territory Voluntary Assisted Dying Expert Advisory Panel Final Report recommends it be made available in the territory. Suzanne James reports.

More than 1000 people protested outside the NSW Labor conference at Sydney Town Hall, demanding it stop arming Israel and supporting genocide in Gaza. Jim McIlroy reports.

The Australian Education Union Victorian branch conference passed two pro-Palestine motions calling on Labor to pressure Israel for a ceasefire and protect teachers from disciplinary action. Adam Bremner reports.

The big four banks are pretending to be good climate citizens while they continue to fund fossil fuel projects, including via back door means. Alex Bainbridge reports.