Young socialists to hold national conference

June 3, 1998

By Sarah Peart

"When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty." This is the theme of the 27th national conference of the socialist youth organisation Resistance, being held in Melbourne from July 11-13.

"This theme really captures what Resistance is all about", said conference organiser Kerryn Williams. "We don't think it's okay just to know that injustice and oppression exist and are wrong, we also want to work with others to resist that injustice, to create a society free from sexism, racism, poverty and environmental destruction."

Williams points to the Indonesian students, who brought down the dictator Suharto, as an example of how change can be achieved. "Their courage and determination to take control over their own lives is such an inspiration. One of the highlights of the conference will be the panel on 'Youth in revolt in the Asia-Pacific: building solidarity, building struggles', which will feature recently arrived Indonesian democracy activist, Joko Sumatri."

Another highlight of the conference is the multi-media presentation on "May/June 1968: realising the impossible", about the student and worker uprising in France which almost toppled the government. Resistance member Mel Bull says, "Many people think radical change only happens in under-developed countries, not in countries like Australia. But when you think that those events in France happened only 30 years ago in a country a lot like ours, it's makes you realise that we can do it here."

Resistance has been involved in numerous campaigns this year, including building support for the Indonesian democracy activists, against the attacks on women's right to abortion, in solidarity with the maritime workers, against the privatisation of education and against Energy Resources Australia's Jabiluka uranium mine. All these campaigns, plus others, will be discussed at the conference.

Reuben Endean, a high-school activist in Resistance, said "Last year was the first time I had been to a Resistance national conference and the best thing about it was meeting all these other people from around the country who were just as angry about the way the system runs as I was. Talking with others about socialist ideas made me realise there are achievable alternatives to a system which puts people's needs before profits."

The conference will be held at 14 Anthony Street, Melbourne. Contact the Melbourne Resistance Centre on (03) 9329 1277 or your local Resistance Centre (see page 2) for registration details.

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