Why I joined Resistance

February 20, 2010

"I think the media plays a big role in desensitising the masses to injustice and the inequality in the world. It says "that's the way it is", and makes us think, "I'm only one person, what can I do?"

I get angry mostly about what I call "the war on terror incorporated" and the total waste of war. I listen to bands like Anti-Flag. Films by people like Michael Moore informed me a bit.

I've been looking for something like Resistance for quite awhile. Before I just spoke to my friends about various social issues and that was it. But when I found Resistance I thought "this is it". It's that feeling of getting involved and being involved in political activity that makes you know you have strength because there are more of you.

It's good to know there's a youth organisation, an organisation for people my age."

Ben Kohler, Wollongong

"Resistance is the only activist organisation I've come across that showed me there are like-minded people who care a lot about the same things I care about, like climate change and rights for same-sex couples."

Annie Ross, Berkeley NSW

"I got so excited when I heard about Resistance and the political action they were taking on issues that I am passionate about. It has given me a chance to help create change in the world and to help educate people on political issues that are affecting their world and mine."

Martina Popovich, Melbourne

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