Public meeting: Coal mine expansion in a climate crisis!

Conferences & public forums
Gadigal Country/Sydney


7:00pm Thursday 18 April


Earlwood Senior Citizens Centre
362 Homer St
Earlwood NSW


7pm-8pm, Thursday 18 April, Earlwood Senior Citizens Centre (opposite Earlwood Library)

The previous NSW Government promoted a pro-coal expansion policy despite the climate crisis.

17 new coal mining projects are currently being assessed and that policy still holds sway. What can we do about it? Join us in Earlwood for a panel discussion about coal expansions in a climate crisis.

Minister for Natural Resources - Courtney Houssos - has inherited a pro-coal expansion policy. Should she scrap it or double-down and keep encouraging coal mines to come forward with coal expansion proposals?

Speakers: Bernie Hobbs is MC. Bernie is an award-winning science writer and broadcaster. Thea Ormerod is President, Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC). Nic Clyde is NSW Coordinator, Lock the Gate Alliance

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