(in response to Gunns withdrawing its pulp mill from the independent assessment process and Tasmanian premier Paul Lennon planning to approve it anyway)
and so it comes to pass
that clumsy-suited men
embrace behind a screen of glass
and expose their dodgy plan
environmental safeguards
are felled with old-growth trees
the fumes will spread beyond backyards
to pollute democracy
an assessment is allowable
if it gives the A-okay
because money is infallible
in this corrupted state
when business cannot win the game
it changes all the rules
when politicians have no shame
they treat us like we're fools
but we sense a bit of deja-vu
like it's all been tried before
with Wesley Vale, the people threw
the plans right out the door
and so it comes to pass
that ordinary women and men
unite and fight the pulp
and we will win again