Arthur Rorris, Secretary of NSW South Coast Trades & Labour Council is spearheading the inspiring union & community campaign to stop the AUKUS nuclear submarine base being built in Port Kembla. The base would jettison that community's plan to transition from fossil fuels to renewables & cause job losses.
This event is a fundraiser to bring Arthur & others from Port Kembla to Vic for a speaking tour including and visit to Geelong Trades Hall.
The event kicks off at 6:30 with a delicious dinner followed by a screening of John Pilger's brilliant documentary "The Coming War on China" & then a Q & A led by local international relations expert Dr. William Briggs. Bar open (thanks to Socialist Alliance for running the bar & donating the profits to the speaking tour).
Entry $10 waged, $5 unwaged. Dinner $10 waged, $5 unwaged.
Event organised by IPAN Geelong & Victoria Southwest