Lyndall Barnett 1971—2011

May 27, 2011

From the very young age of seven or eight, Lyndall Barnett exhibited signs of concern about animals, the environment, social justice and women’s role in society.

Lyndall also had a rebellious streak from an early age, the sort of rebellious streak that is needed to stand up against social injustice and help change the world.

When Lyndall was a teenager, she took action on all these issues. This led Lyndall and a group of high school friends to join Resistance, the socialist youth organisation in the early 1990s, and then the Democratic Socialist Party.

Feminism was a particular passion of Lyndall’s. If she were here today, she would be part of the protests against child beauty pageants.

While Lyndall wasn’t able to be politically active in the last few years of her life, she remained committed to feminism, social justice, the environment and socialism.

A few months before her passing, Lyndall re-established contact with her old friends, including friends from her years of political involvement.

Lyndall will be missed by many for her compassion, her passion and her wit.

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