Loose Cannons

April 21, 2007

Failed state

"I have told the American people often it is best to defeat them there so we don't have to face them here ... That's one of the major lessons of September the 11th. In that case, there was a safe haven found in a failed state, where killers plotted and planned and trained, and came and killed 3000 of our citizens." — Emperor George Bush II, April 3, justifying the US war on Iraq, even though the 9/ll aeroplane hijackers did their flight training in the US.


"It's in our interest we gain a new ally in the war on terror, in the midst of a part of the world that produced 19 kids that came and killed 3000 of our citizens." Emperor Bush, April 4, justifying the US war on Iraq, even though not a single one of the 9/11 suicide bombers came from Iraq; 16 of them came from US allies Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Evil people

"There are evil and psychotic people in the world willing to do great harm to others if they aren't stopped." — April 18 Wall Street Journal editorial, referring to university student Cho Seung-Hui, the killer of 32 students at the Virginia Tech campus — not Emperor Bush, the killer of 600,000 Iraqis.

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