Lecture: Housing/ Culture/ Process

Conferences & public forums
Gadigal Country/Sydney


5:30pm Thursday 29 February


Lecture Theatre 250, Wilkinson Building
148 City Rd
Darlington 2008


Paul Karakusevic

Paul will talk through the processes and work of the studio; from practice motivations, first sketch ideas, competitions to resident engagements, through evolving dwelling and building designs. Having been commissioned by both public housing authorities and community housing charities for 20+ years, the practice has worked on some of the most complex public housing schemes in the UK and more recently in Toronto, Canada. Paul is regarded as one the leading social and public housing architects in Europe.

Free, Register

148 City Rd, Darlington, NSW, 2008
Lecture Theatre 250, Wilkinson Building, Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning

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