International online forum: Roadmap to Ecosocialism

Conferences & public forums


4:00am Wednesday 11 September



Sabrina Fernandes, Simon Pirani, Rehad Desai & Howie Hawkins

Moderator: Tom Walker

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 18:00 UCT (See international times below)

Venue: Google Meet

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International times

(Sept 11) 04:00 Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne

(Sept 10) 20:00 Africa/Johannesburg

(Sept 10) 19:00 Europe/London

(Sept 10) 15:00 Brazil/Sao Paulo

(Sept 10) 14:00 US/New York

(Sept 10) 13:00 Colombia/Bogotá

(Sept 10) 11:00 US/Los Angeles

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