Independent union conference banned

August 4, 1993

Independent union conference banned

On July 29 the Indonesian government barred supporters and members of a recently formed independent trade union from holding its first congress.

Plain-clothes police and military intelligence banned some 150 members and guests of the Indonesia Prosperity for Workers Union (SBSI) from starting the congress at a hotel in Cisarua, outside Jakarta. Chanting, shouting and clapping delegates defied a ban on their meeting by unanimously passing a motion calling for legal action against the government.

According to a Republika newspaper report, SBSI members stated that the ban was illegal. A Reuters report also claimed that more than 80 SBSI members have reported being harassed, arrested without reason, denied their benefits or sacked.

Diplomats and various representatives from international groups, including the International Labour Organisation (ILO) were also there to attend the congress.

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