Hiroshima & Nagasaki - Never Again - Peace Vigil

Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


12:00pm Sunday 06 August


Perth Cultural Centre
James St Mall
Northbridge WA 6003


To coincide with the 78th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, and Nagasaki please come along to reflect on the impacts of nuclear war and unite in the calls to ban nuclear weapons, cancel AUKUS and nuclear submarines and call for peace.

Similar vigils and actions will take place around the country, also coinciding with the lead up to the ALP National Conference.

There will be an all star line up of speakers covering issues of peace, nuclear disarmament, other nuclear concerns, the devastating impacts of war and how we can best further our campaign.
We'll also be joined on day by the Working Voices Choir.

The event is being co-hosted by Nuclear Free WA, Stop AUKUS WA, Independent and Peaceful Australia Network and the Medical Association for the Prevention of War.

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