Forum: Bangladesh: What's behind the uprising

Conferences & public forums


6:30pm to 8:30pm Tuesday 20 August


Resistance Centre
Level 5, 407 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000


Upcoming forum by Green Left & Socialist Alliance examining the massive student-led uprising in Bangladesh that successfully forced the resignation of sitting PM Sheikh Hasina. 


  • Dr Sabrina Syed, Academic at the University of Newcastle and member of the Bangladeshi community
  • Ahmed Daiyan, Bangladeshi student & activist
  • Sandip Nayak, Independent research scholar and member of All-India Student Association (via zoom).

Tuesday August 20 @ Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston Street, Melbourne.

Online via zoom @

Meeting ID: 831 5423 1353
Passcode: 950516


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