Film screening: Palestine Under Siege

Arts, culture & social functions
Regional NSW


2:00pm Sunday 14 April


Lthgow Transformation Hub
184 Mort St
Lithgow NSW 2790


Central West NSW for Palestine will host the documentary Palestine Under Siege in Lithgow April 14 @2pm.

Entry by donation, there will also be delicious snacks available to purchase. All funds raised will go towards a donation drive run by Palestinian Christians in Australia to support displaced Gazans arriving in Australia.

There will be an opportunity for a Q&A with one of the film-makers, Jill Hickson.

About the film:

Palestine Under Siege takes you into the heart of the struggle for Palestinian self-determination. Survivors of Al Nakba along with Palestinian and Jewish activists, share their experiences and insights of living under Israeli apartheid.

Three Australians, Dr Peter Slezak, Rand Darwish and former Senator Lee Rhiannon, travelled to Palestine to conduct interviews and investigate Israel’s accelerating colonisation of Palestinian land.

This documentary was filmed and edited by Australian filmmakers, John Reynolds and Jill Hickson.

Dare to Struggle Film projects partnered with Wattan TV; a secular Palestinian television service operating in the West Bank and the Hebron Human Rights Defenders to produce this film. The project was also supported by “Defence for Children International – Palestine”.

“Israel is destroying Palestine. This documentary shows why we should not stand by and watch” — Julian Burnside

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