Eyewitness report on West Bank

Conferences & public forums


6:00pm Wednesday 11 September


8 Victoria Rd
Parramatta NSW


Speakers include:

Maxie Gallo - a teacher from a Palestinian background recently returned from five weeks in the West Bank.

The West Bank, with a population of around 3 million Palestinians has been occupied by Israel since 1967. An occupation that the International Court of Justice has found to be illegal, called for all Israeli settlers to leave, and for reparations for Palestinians.

It is the site of Israel's hidden war. At the same time as the genocide in Gaza, Israel has killed over 600 Palestinians in the West Bank. According to Save the Children, over 250 Palestinian children from the West Bank are missing in Israel's military detention system.

Maxie Gallo, will discuss the human rights situation in the West Bank, and show slides and video from her recent trip. She will open a discussion on why it matters to us here, why open discussion about it must be allowed in our schools, why the Australian government now has a legal obligation to sanction Israel, and how we can organise effective solidarity.

All welcome

Call Chris on 0403 013 183 for more information.

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