All out on M1!

April 25, 2001


All out on M1!


Something special will happen on May 1. For the first time ever in Australia, thousands of people will take action, simultaneously across the country, against the stock exchange, the symbolic heart and soul of corporate power and global capitalism.

PictureYou should be there. The world needs to hear your voice — and your friends', neighbours’, workmates’ or classmates', the voice of everyone you know and everyone you meet — raised against the corporations which are twisting the world into their own image and substituting greed for need, plutocracy for democracy, the consumer for the community.

Here's a few facts and figures to consider:

  • Of the 100 largest economies in the world, 51 are corporations: General Motors is bigger than Indonesia, Shell is bigger than Venezuela, AXA is bigger than Ireland.
  • The combined sales of the largest 200 corporations are 18 times the size of the combined annual income of the 1.2 billion people (24% of the world's population) who live in severe poverty.
  • The world's richest three men now own assets equivalent to those owned by the 600 million people in the world's 48 least developed countries.
  • Each day, US$1.5 trillion flows through the world's currency markets, 90% of which is speculative: enough to wipe out the entire debt of the 92 Third World countries which most need it.
And the wealth and size of these giant banks and industrial combines isn't even the worst of it: it's what they do with that wealth and size which is most devastating.

Mining companies pollute entire ecosystems with impunity; banks and hedge funds cause financial meltdowns and collapse currencies; oil and automobile manufacturers block action to halt climate change; privatised utilities downgrade services and ratchet up prices; fashion labels pay sweatshop workers a couple of dollars for a shirt which retails for hundreds; chemical conglomerates claim rises in cancer incidences have nothing to do with the toxins they pump into the air; and company after company throw their money around, buying politicians and governments and clever advertising campaigns to convince us that nothing's wrong and that there's nothing we can do about it anyway.

Well, they're wrong: there is something you can do about it, and M1 is your next opportunity.

You can take to the streets, blockade and protest, shout out Peter Finch's famous cry: “I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore”, and sing defiantly “This is what democracy looks like”.

By doing so you'll be part of a swelling mass of people, in every corner of the world, who are casting off the shackles of “There is no alternative”, who are throwing the corporate elites into a panic and who are getting together to remake the world into the kind of place they want to live in.

May 1 is May Day, the traditional day of the workers' movement — and M1 is part of that old and proud tradition, of working people standing up against injustice, whatever and wherever it may be.

But M1 is also very new — a brave attempt to bring together all the disparate communities, groups and individuals who are resisting the various injustices of the capitalist beast, to bring them together and strike out at the beast itself.

M1, and the global movement it is a part of, deserves success, as the hopes for the future of millions rest with it — success which you can guarantee by being part of it, before, during and after the first of May.

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