The Revolutionary Front for the Independence of Timor-Leste (FRETILIN) was barely a year old when Indonesia launched a full-scale invasion of the small Portuguese colony of East Timor (now Timor-Leste) in 1975. Over the following 24 years, FRETILIN fought a courageous armed struggle against a brutal military occupation that cost the lives of about 200,000 Timorese.
The Communist Party of Australia (CPA) was the first and for many years the only Australian political party to give moral and material support to FRETILIN’s independence campaign inside Timor-Leste and internationally. This solidarity with FRETILIN has continued unbroken since the Indonesian army withdrew in 1999.
As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, FRETILIN is formally recognising contributions by its own comrades who strived for independence while living outside Timor-Leste and by their Australian supporters. The SEARCH Foundation, which continued the CPA’s solidarity work after the party’s dissolution in 1991, is proud to join FRETILIN in honouring some of our veteran comrades who have been part of this long struggle.
At the same time, SEARCH and FRETILIN are calling on a new generation of activists to continue this tradition of international solidarity. While Timor-Leste gained its independence in 2002, FRETILIN faces new challenges to its radical program of decolonisation and national liberation.
Please join us as Auntie Norma Ingram provides a Welcome to Country to our visitors from FRETILIN, followed by short speeches from Comrade Thomas Mayo of the Maritime Union of Australia and Comrade Naldo Rei from FRETILIN’s Central Committee. FRETILIN representatives will then present Certificates of Recognition to long-time Australian solidarity activists. Family members of comrades who have died will receive the certificates on their behalf.
Speeches and presentations will be followed by an opportunity to meet and speak with comrades. Soft drinks and finger food will be provided, and other drinks will be available for purchase.
This event is free, but please RSVP to admin@search.org.au or on the SEARCH website: https://www.search.org.au/events