graphic novels

book cover and background image of woman's face

Andrew Chuter reviews Their Blood Got Mixed, a graphic memoir through the heart of a remarkable experiment in self-determination.

Paying the Land by Joe Sacco

Acclaimed comics journalist Joe Sacco travelled to the Arctic regions of north-west Canada to learn about the Dene people and their struggles for his latest book, Paying the Land. Andrew Chuter reviews.

Maus and Berlin covers

Andrew Chuter reviews two classic graphic novels: Maus, which tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust; and Berlin, set during the German Weimar Republic prior to World War II.

Sam Wallman

Unionists gathered to launch Sam Wallman's graphic novel, which uses "art as a tool of class struggle", reports Andrew Chuter.

Our Members Be Unlimited

Sam Wallman has released his long-awaited first book, Our Members Be Unlimited, a comic about workers and their unions. Andrew Chuter reviews.

Andrew Chuter reviews graphic novel, Stuck Rubber Baby, a powerful story of one person's growth to enlightenment within a turbulent period of social upheaval.

Andrew Chuter reviews a 2014 graphic novel that communicates the science, politics and personal impacts of what is arguably humanity’s greatest existential threat.

There’s a new comic book superhero in South Africa and she is fighting climate change, capitalism and COVID-19, write Mandy Moussoris and Dale McInley.

Comics, graphic novels, narrative drawing, illustrated fiction are a growing arena for serious social and political commentary. Andrew Chuter reviews five that are a must read for activists today.