Lock the Gate

Climate activists joined Gomeroi First Nations, farmers, unions, Knitting Nannas and the Country Women’s Association  to protest Santos’ expanded plans to mine coal seam gas  in the Pilliga. Jim McIlroy reports.


Environmental and climate advocacy groups have asked the ACCC to investigate alleged greenwashing by the Australian Petroleum Producers and Exploration Association. Kerry Smith reports.

Federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek has just quietly approved another Santos fracking project in Queensland’s Surat Basin, writes Callum Foote.

First Nations campaigners opposing Origin Energy's plans for the Beetaloo Basin.

Origin Energy’s decision to pull out of exploring and fracking at three sites is testament to the effectiveness of a grassroots campaign led by Traditional Owners. Pip Hinman reports.

More than 50 protesters defied the rain to call on Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional New South Wales Paul Toole to end coal. Charles Boag reports.

The community group Groundswell Gloucester in the Upper Hunter Valley scored another win on May 8 when Gloucester Resources Limited (GRL) announced it would not appeal against a Land and Environment Court decision to refuse consent for its Rocky Hill Coal Project.

Justice Brian Preston of the Land and Environment Court ruled on February 8 against approving a new open-cut coalmine just outside Gloucester.

The New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment recommended approval of a new thermal coalmine to the Independent Planning Commission on October 9.

The federal Coalition government is so keen to assist Adani with its mega coalmine project, it is breaking its own laws to do it.

Two–and–a–half years after the suicide of Chinchilla farmer and Lock the Gate activist George Bender, who had led a decade long campaign against fracking, on May 11 Linc Energy was fined a record $4.5 million for causing serious environmental harm at its underground coal gasification plant on Queensland's western Darling Downs.

Activists from the Oakey Coal Action Alliance, Great Sandy Strait Saviours and Lock the Gate gathered in the park across the road from New Hope Coal’s AGM in Ipswich on November 16 with a message for shareholders.

Accompanied by a giant inflatable cow, the protesters’ message was that New Hope is wasting its money on legal battles and public relations campaigns.

More than 250 people gathered on August 26 for the Frack Free People's Rally organised by Lock the Gate Alliance and Frack Free WA outside the Western Australia State Labor Conference.

Many environmentalists were disappointed, if not outraged, at Chief Scientist Alan Finkel’s Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market, released on June 9, which sought to stabilise the existing electricity market.

At the same time, the failure of the privatised and deregulated electricity grid led NSW Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham to call for its nationalisation as the only way to solve its intractable problems.